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LIFELINKcentral Works With Major AEDs

The AED LIFELINKcentral program management solution is a state-of-the-art readiness solution for AED management. An organization invests in life-saving AED technology to protect their most valuable asset: their people. However, in an emergency situation when a cardiac arrest victim is down and unresponsive, will the AED function properly? It is essential that every organization, large or small, institute periodic AED equipment audits and record them. Many U.S. States require that organizations document their audits over time for compliance with the State Good Samaritan Laws.
AED LIFELINKcentral is a world-class solution brought to you by AED One-Stop Shop which efficiently systemizes this audit process by leveraging internal staff rather than outside technicians.
The solution features an organizational hierarchy in which the global administrator has a vantage point over all AED devices and users check their assigned devices and record the findings. To help automate the process LIFELINKcentral sends email reminders to prompt and initiate the monthly audits (or other timeframes like daily or quarterly if desired.) Because the software is web-based it can be used on laptops, tablets and smart phones and no complex software install is required. The platform is highly advanced, incredibly secure and it’s powered by the LIFENET System which is used in the hospital setting. This solution can be used for all AED types including LIFEPAK, HeartSine, ZOLL, Cardiac Science, Defibtech and Philips HeartStart and it can also accommodate those with multiple brands and models. AED LIFELINKcentral Program Management boasts the latest technology and its infrastructure is capable of pairing with AEDs with wireless functionality that may be available in the near future.
LIFELINKcentral greatly reduces the effort and expense of managing your AED program, while increasing your program’s readiness and effectiveness.
Main features of LIFELINKcentral include:
- Remotely monitor AED readiness information
- Map view with visual readiness status to drive maintenance checks
- Receive alerts of any situation affecting readiness such as a change in battery status
- View dashboard with the status of all sites, AEDs, and CPR/AED certifications
- Receive notifications if batteries or electrodes are expiring or have expired
- Track additional safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and medical kits