AED One-Stop Shop & are pleased to announce a brand new life-saving AED type launched by HeartSine which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Physio-Control / Stryker. Introducing the HeartSine Samaritan PAD 360P featuring “Fully-Automatic” Automated External Defibrillator. HeartSine has long boasted the smallest, lightest most compact Samaritan defibrillators in the World. Now they are launching a new model (360P) in the United States market which combines this popular ease-of-use feature.
Fully-Automatic AEDs deliver a shock without the responder having to push a shock button. Semi-Automatic devices require that a shock button be pressed in order to deliver a life-saving defibrillation shock to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest victim. The logic behind the “no shock button” feature is that some lay-responders are said to have shown reluctance or hesitancy in pushing the shock button. Makers of the “Automatic” versions believe this can improve ease-of-use and can potentially remove a difficult decision for the responding individual.
The HeartSine Samaritan 360P uses useful voice prompts to guide the rescuer through the steps of saving a life and beyond those audible prompts are visual prompts which help the responder as well. The visual illuminating diagrams clearly show where to place electrode pads, when to touch the victim and when not to. A cardiac event can be very loud and chaotic and the visual prompts can be particularly helpful if one can’t hear the prompts. Once the pads a placed on the victim’s chest the Samaritan AED will analyze the ECG rhythm and only deliver the “Automatic” shock if it’s required. The device cannot do harm and it has a safety feature that can help determine if someone is touching the victim.
This device will not replace the 350P and 450P “Semi-Automatic” models but rather add this brand new life-saving device into HeartSine’s suite of products. If you need help determining the right HeartSine AED type call AED One-Stop Shop at 855-677-2337 or email for a quote. If you’d like to buy the new HeartSine 360P at the introductory sale price of $1325.00 click this offer from
HeartSine Samaritan 360P Automatic AED from